#goddess of pathways and crossroads
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A picture of my altar for Elen.
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I pray to her, whenever I need a bit of guidance.
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keysatthecrossroad · 3 months ago
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Hekáte of the Crossroads,
Lovely Goddess of the Gate,
Guide me with Your Torches as I navigate this new pathway,
Trivia, help me forge this new journey,
Perfect Mother of Witches,
Guard me with Your Hounds as I take these next steps in life.
Hail Hekáte! I devote myself to You!
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enodia-polymorphous · 19 days ago
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DIRT PATHS, CREEKS, AND CROSSROADS A crossroads reflection following a visit to a local reserve's creek.
Beyond the backyard of my partner's house, it's possible to move from one world to another.
Where one is white and grey townhouses built in an estate, fit for modern domestic architecture, the other is just down a set of wooden staircases, mismatched in shape and height, approaching a natural world that sings with the water-flow of a nearby creek.
A nature reserve — somehow more accessible now due to the residences built in this area, that came with infrastructure such as staircases and pathways — and it's so much more vast than what you'd imagine just by looking out the window.
I take the stairs down, and I walk the white, measured concrete paths. I take a turn towards a barbeque and seating area, and then I'm met with a crossroads. I could continue along the concrete, or I can choose the path drawn in dirt.
I take the dirt path.
Crossroads exist pretty much everywhere. Spiritually, mentally, and physically. Though, I think my very favourite to look for are dirt crossroads. Ones spotted in the absence of the green grass that surrounds them, or those recognised as desire paths. They are created from use, from preference, for purpose.
There is safety in walking a dirt path many-times-walked. They tell us: "Someone has walked here before, now you do. In the future, yet another will walk the path, and perhaps one day it will be you again."
Whether from my love of crossroads or by the influence of my goddess, I always feel this sparkle of happiness when I approach a nature-based crossroads. I praise Hekate in this sacred domain.
What I love about this path to the side of the concrete is how it leads to a beautiful creek. It takes about forty minutes to an hour to make the entire journey around the reserve, and you can see the river that the creek runs into most of the trip.
Creeks and rivers are considered liminal places. They are also crossroads, even if they don't appear as the usual T or Y shaped road.
When you approach a creek, you have a choice. You can go over the creek at that moment, you can walk along the stream and find another way, or you could turn around. It is a place of transition, and more.
This creek in particular has a bridge from one side to the other formed by large boulders. They're easier or harder to climb across depending on how high the water is. When I visited this time, the water was lower than usual, easing my anxieties of crossing.
Balance and being confident on my feet, especially in situations where I can "fall off", is something I'm working on. I get to just before halfway across the rocks before stopping. It's better than other times.
As I stood there, overlooking both sides of this river, I noticed how still the water was in the distance. It hardly looked like it was moving. But when I looked down, to the water rushing between the rocks, it was a completely different scene, which came with an understanding.
Being in this space and honouring Hekate, I thought about the Six of Swords. There are many ways to interpret tarot cards, though some of the ways I see the Six of Swords includes:
Moving into calmer water, or into turbulent water. It can go either way.
A transition.
A rite of passage.
A requirement to take what's most important while leaving the rest, and moving on.
How the water may seem still at times. How we look out into the distance and grumble about things not happening, things not changing. We want things to happen, good things! And we get frustrated. We lose patience.
Until the next moment when the seemingly slow water breaks into tens of rushing streams, making their way through river grass and over rocks, reaching the other side of the bridge and then we see it.
Our progress, how everything has come together, how being still and contemplative at these crossroads have allowed for life and our path to move with us and around us.
We don't realise just how far we've come until the rushing water has become still again in the distance.
Hear me, Hekate! Goddess of liminality, of transitions, and of the crossroads. I praise you for the beautiful natural dirt crossroads that I come across and acknowledge in your name. I honour you with libations poured where three paths meet. Please sit with us when the water is still, and remain with us when we finally realise how fast things are moving. Khaire, Hekate.
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divider credit -> @enchanthings-a
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hildegardavon · 2 months ago
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Hekate and the Three Graces
Late Hellenistic, Roman, 1st/2nd century, marble statuette of triple-bodied Hekate and the three Graces, 30.5 cm
 The Met Fifth Avenue Inv. 1987.11.2
Hekate presided over pathways and crossroads, especially at night. She was the goddess of the moon and of nocturnal sorcery. Like Hermes, she could travel to and from the underworld and the earth. (MET)
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theglamourempress · 1 month ago
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digital offering for Hekate #1.
Hail Hekate, Goddess of the dark moon and crossroads. Blessed daughter of Asteria and Perses, may you welcome the prayers and offerings of your witches who cast spells under your darkness. May your torches lead us, may your keys unlock new pathways, may your hounds howl and remind us of your power and glory and love. Protect and guide us so that we may be closer to You as the moon dances from dark to new.
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thel1m1nalspaces · 2 months ago
The Liminal Spaces
The Liminal Spaces
A liminal space is defined by the fact it is an in between place. Not quite here here or there. This can be transitions in life, transitional or transformational things or places. A space between where you've been and where you're going.
Liminial Spaces:
Hotel Lobbies
Parking lots
Waiting rooms
Break rooms
Abandoned buildings
Liminal Space Character:
Cloak and dagger
Alice from Alice in wonderland
Neo the matrix
Harry Potter
Dr Strange
Scarlet Witch
Ghost Rider
The flash
Liminal life transition:
Deciding on a partner
Having a child
Literally transitioning
Job loss
Break ups
Liminal times:
Liminal Weather:
Overcast days
Land meeting sea
Liminal Feelings:
Conflicting emotions
Liminal space animals:
rabbits and hares
Liminal Deities:
(Hekate (Hecate) was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, divination, the night, liminal spaces,the moon, ghosts and necromancy, crossroads, doorways, boundaries, and has dominion over the earth, skies and ocean too. She can be linked to herbalism, and shes a protector of the home, and family.)
(Hermes is known as the god of travel, commerce, communication, and thieves. He’s also the messenger of the gods, boundaries and transitions.)
Janus from Roman mythology, the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, and endings.
Persephone from Greek mythology, who moves between the underworld and the living world.
The Morrigan from Irish mythology is a war, death, liminal spaces, destiny, fertility, and motherhood
Brigid the Irish Deity of liminal spaces, fire, healing, poetry, childbirth and children, warfare, crafts, wisdom,
Dionysus Greek god of wine, festivity, and theater, and is also known as the god of vegetation, fertility, and insanity
Odin from Norse mythology, who can travel between worlds.
Anubis from Egyptian mythology, who guides souls to the afterlife.
Charon from Greek mythology would transport souls but was also known for being a teacher, healer and oracle
Closed Practice Liminal Deities
(Idk much about these so feel free to add more and or correct me)
Papa Legba from Haitian Vodou, who stands at the crossroads between the human world and the spirit world.
Baron Samedi from Haitian Vodou, who’s the guardian of the cemetery and the afterlife.
Nabu from Mesopotamian mythology. He's the god of wisdom and writing, and he acts as a bridge between the mortal world and the divine through knowledge and communication. It's like he stands at the boundary between human understanding and divine insight.
Veles from Slavic mythology He's the god of the underworld, waters, and magic. Veles often crosses between the realms of the living and the dead, making him a classic liminal deity. He's also associated with cattle, wealth, and poetry, which adds even more layers to his role.
Ellegua from Yoruba mythology, often worshipped in Santería and other Afro-Caribbean religions. He's the orisha of the crossroads, communication, and doors. Ellegua is known for being a trickster and a protector, and he plays a crucial role in opening and closing pathways between the human and spiritual worlds.
Anansi from African mythology, the trickster and storyteller who often moves between worlds.
Inari from Japanese mythology, a deity of rice, fertility, and foxes, who bridges the human and spiritual realms.
Ereshkigal from Mesopotamian mythology, the queen of the underworld.
Kali from Hindu mythology, who represents both destruction and rebirth.
Ganesha from Hindu mythology, the remover of obstacles, often invoked at the beginning of new ventures.
Tlazolteotl from Aztec mythology, a goddess of purification and transformation.
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lilacskyly · 1 year ago
My Life For Yours: Part 3 (Satoru Gojo x Reader Soulmate AU)
(May be the final part unless you guys want more :0)
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That's how the fight began between him and you. The fight to see who would live in the end. He kept trying to find a way to keep you both alive, but no matter what there was none. Here he was again, at the pathways of fate. What was once just two paths were now hundreds. For once, he didn’t know what to do. So, what better to do than nothing? He sat there, refusing to move. 
“... so, you’re stuck too?” he heard your voice ring out. He jumped before you appeared sitting next to him. “... didn’t think I’d meet you at the crossroads.. Fate really is cruel.”
“W-what… what are you doing here?” he stuttered.
You sighed, “I… I don’t really know anymore.” You put your head in your hands and stared ahead.
“Are you.. Are you actually here?” he asked, reaching a hand out towards you. 
You nodded sadly. “Somewhat.”
The both of you sat in silence. For once, he didn’t know what to say. That’s when you spoke up. “I’m afraid the only way this will ever end is if we both die…”
“What?” he spat.
“You heard me Toru. I.. I’ve tried everything. I don’t believe there’s a reality where we’re both alive…”
He clenched his fists. “Then keep trying. There has to be at least one.” he demanded.
You stayed silent, smiling to yourself. “... I hope there is.” You got up and brushed yourself off. “Well, can’t waste time sitting here. Besides, how do I even know if you're my reality’s Satoru?” you laughed lightly, pain in your eyes.
“I’ll keep fighting to find a reality where we can be together. I promise you, Satoru.”
With that, you walked away down a path he couldn’t see.
He finally knows what he needs to do.
Change Scene.
Far Right.
Change Scene.
27 from the left.
Change scene. 
He found the ideal path a while ago, but never could keep you alive. This time, he wouldn’t let you go again. 
There you were, in this timeline you were waiting for him to surprise you with what was originally a date. He walked towards you, waving at you. “Hey my angel.” he greeted. You greeted him with a hug, he hugged you back as if the world was ending. Hell, maybe it was. He didn’t know anymore. You looked up to him after some time, worry in your expression.
 “G-gojo… are you okay? You’re.. You’re crying?”
He nodded before wiping away his tears. “H-heh… sorry.. Sorry.”
“What’s wrong?”
“... would you hate me if I did something that was such a gamble that it could completely destroy something.. Or keep it together forever?” 
You tilted your head. “I wouldn’t hate you no matter what you did Satoru. But.. may I ask what you mean?”
His hand was shaking, his whole being was shattering. “This is the only way..” he whispered to himself. Your eyes widened in horror as he plunged his hand inside his chest before pulling out his own heart. 
“G-gojo!? Wh-what a—”
He wasted no time in doing the same to you. He looked down at you, who had fallen into his arms. “... may this vicious cycle end… my goddess…” His eyes rolled back in his head as he held onto you tight, falling over dead along with you.
Geto walked towards your graves, cursing under his breath. A familiar figure appeared next to him. “... you said there was a way they could both live.” he spat towards the ‘prophet’. “You fucking said there was a way they would still be together!” 
“That I did… unfortunately, he chose the option where they would be together… but no longer be in this realm.”
“What the hell do you mean?”
Time flashed forwards to Geto’s eventual death.
When he opened his eyes next, there you both were. “Jesus dude, took your sweet time.” Gojo said, slapping his friends back lightly. “We were waiting for ya!”
“W-what..?” he asked, looking towards the both of you in utter shock. “T-this.. How… how are you two together?”
Y/N shrugged. “Ask Gojo, he’s the genius.”
“Ha! You said it!” Gojo boasted. “I just kinda gambled–”
“You literally gambled our lives…”
“Yeah, I know honey. But hey! It worked!” he exclaimed happily. “Felt like the only way the cycle would end… was if we both died at the same time.”
“So he murdered me in cold blood.” Y/N snickered.
“I… I tried to save you in my defense!” Gojo pouted.
“... but.. Didn’t you want to live?” Suguru asked.
“... I mean.. Yeah. Would’ve been nice to get married or grow old with you, Satoru.” Y/N admitted.
“But really, do you think there was any other way?”
My Life For Yours (Satoru Gojo x Reader Soulmate AU)
This is just the first part, planning on doing a part 2 and maybe 3.
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Satoru Gojo didn't believe you two were fated to be soulmates. Hell, he refused to believe it. How could he not? You were one of his fellow students in Jujutsu High, introduced to him by your friend Suguru Geto. You were considered a special grade sorcerer, but how was that when you were so weak? You couldn't fight, you could only support others, taking the blows for them with your cursed technique. With each blow thrown an ally's way, you used your technique to save them. The blow would always get blasted back to the enemy, but why would you harm yourself for that? Why go out of your way to protect someone you barely knew? He just couldn't wrap his head around it.
Maybe that's why he still can't wrap his head around what you did.
You found out he was going to fight Toji. You insisted you come along, he of course refused. You were too weak to help anyways. But you were a persistent one. You somehow convinced him to let you tag along as long as you didn't “get in the way”.
He wishes he didn't say that nor that he let you come along.
You hid while he and Toji were fighting, you didn't even let him know where you were. Maybe you were just waiting for that moment, the moment that was meant to kill him. 
Toji would've killed him if not for you using your technique on him in a split second. The blow that was meant for him engulfed you, he swears you died on the spot then. But as you fell down, never to get up again, you smiled at him. Your voice rang through his head then. “Now, win this.” You died that day, Gods he wishes he didn't let you go. But with your death, his cursed energy soared. He easily defeated Toji after that, but he didn't feel satisfied. He kept sending blow after blow to Toji’s corpse till it was reduced to nothing. He went down to recover your body, seeing you still had that stupid smile spread across your face, with tear stains on your cheeks. 
He was the one who brought you back to announce your death to Jujutsu High. “So… she finally did it…” Yaga told him. “She finally gave her life to someone else.”
He didn't understand what he meant. It was only later that he found that's why you were considered a special grade. You quite literally gave your power to him, making him stronger than before, giving him your life force. You were now a part of him. 
He swears he sees you wherever he goes. You with that stupid fucking smile. He remembers screaming at your image, screaming that it was your fault he feels like this. And what did you do? You just smiled the whole time, albeit a bit sadder now. 
He would visit your grave constantly, a grave that simply had your name plastered on it with the word “Oyasumi”. He hated that. He hated how you were reduced to just a piece of stone. 
The last time he saw you was when he destroyed it. He couldn't control himself, his anger, his hate, his despair. He destroyed the only thing that was keeping you in this world. When the dust cleared, he saw you standing there, waving goodbye to him before walking away in the midst of the new morning.
“She's not coming back…” he heard someone say from behind him. He almost attacked that person too. They stopped him however, introducing themselves as ‘the prophet’. They gave you a choice. Kill them there and never be able to see you again, or attempt to change the past. Change the past? He remembers thinking. How stupid is this person? After hesitating to attack, the person came forward to him, offering him a bundle of forget-me-nots to him. He thought it was a sick joke. He was the only one to bring those flowers to your now decimated grave. He threw the flowers down, demanding the person explain why they were here.
“Simple, I just can't stand to see someone lose their soulmate.”
His…. Soulmate?
“She was yours, you know. And yet… you treated her like a mere pest. Yet she still gave her life to support you, to make you stronger than ever. Why?”
He was going to kill this person if they continued like that. 
“I can give you a chance to re-do it all. To find her again, to make things right. After all, you love her, no?”
And so, here he was. Watching you from afar as you hung out with Suguru before you two were even supposed to meet. Now was his chance to make up for what he did. Now was the chance to give his life to you.
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hekateanwitchcraft · 4 years ago
Hekatean Witchcraft Master List
Hekate Posts
Informational Posts
Recommended Reading List
Common Misconceptions of Hekate
What is Hekatean Witchcraft?
Hekate as the Cosmic World Soul
Crowned with Snakes and Branches of Oak: Hekate Brimo
Hekate as a Witch Goddess
Hekate’s Plants/Herbs
Offerings for Hekate
Signs From Hekate
Crossroads and Hekate
Hekate Oil Recipe
Small Ways to Incorporate Hekate Worship/Devotion into Your Everyday Life
Zeus and Hekate
Hekatean Home Protection
Hekate Prayers
Prayer to the Many Faces of Hekate
Hymn to Hekate Pharmakeia
Prayer of Devotion to Hekate
Prayer to Hekate on the Dark Moon
Prayer to Hekate for Vengeance and Justice
Medea’s Invocation of Hekate
Prayer to Hekate for Guidance
Nightly Prayer to Hekate
Prayer to Hekate Soteira
Prayer to Hekate of the Foxes for Guidance
Prayer to Hekate When Crossing Thresholds
Prayer to Hekate to Avert Evil Spirits
Spells and Rituals
Hekatean Circle Casting
Full Moon Ritual
Hekate’s Deipnon and Dark Moon Ritual
Rite of Dedication to Hekate
Invocation of Hekate for Rites of the Dead
Invocation of Hekate and Helios for Aid in Witchcraft
To Prevent an Enemy’s Progress and Success
Hekate’s Open Pathways Spell
Hekatean Witchcraft Curse
Ritual to Banish a Malignant Spirit
Medeia Posts
Introduction to Worshipping Medeia
Medeia Epithets
Prayer to Medeia for Women’s Empowerment
Prayer to Medeia for Aid in Witchcraft
Prayer to Medeia for Vengeance
Prayer to Medeia for Guidance
Pan Posts
Offerings for Pan
Invocation of Pan for Aid in Witchcraft
To Pan in the Fall
To Pan in the Winter
Prayer to Pan for Easing Depression
Pan’s Love and Sex Charm
General Posts
Shrines: A Moderately In-Depth Look
Witchcraft History Book Recommendations
Deities, Worship, and Magic
Prayer Candle Divination
On Substitutions
A Note on Priesthood
Witchcraft and Hellenic Polytheism
A Cunning Man Who Liked Men: A Bit About James Thomas
Spells and Rituals
Kirke’s True Colors Spell
Rite of Blood
To Curse a Bigot
Halloween Ritual
To Strengthen a Distant Relationship
Stop Gossip Spell
For Protection Against Witchcraft
Gay Love Spell: To Conjure Love from Another Man
(To be continuously updated)
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nanamismoonchild · 4 years ago
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chapter 3- entrance
pairing: god!namjoon x goddess!reader
genre: fluff, angst, smut , greek god based au
warnings: this chapter is chill :D
wc; ~1.6k
Summary:   You’re a beauty. He is handsome. You’re Life. He is Death. You love him. But does he love you? There’s only one way to found out. And it’s by being the Queen.  
A/N: ngl im starting to love oc/reader persephone. what do yall think?
The journey to the Underworld was quicker than you had imagined it would be. Possibly because of Jungkook rowing quickly across the Styx in a hurry to meet your demand. The ferryman was afraid of going any slower than he usually did in case you decided to feed him the other drachma that hung from your ear.  It was not as pleasant as you expected it to be. You could hear the agonizing moans of the Wraiths who lurked around the river Styx. They were doomed to be there for at least one hundred years as a result of not being able to pay the dreaded fee. 
The boat rocked back and forth, some of the water sloshing onto your feet. It was cramped and you could feel your backside begin to hurt from falling and from sitting on the bare floor of the dingy boat. 
Thankfully, the ride was over soon. The blue man helped you off of the boat while Jungkook was forced to glance at everything but you.  Probably because you were now wet and naked, something you hoped to remedy soon. 
“The entrance to the Underworld is just beyond the hill. I’m afraid your friend will meet Hecate as soon as he crosses the threshold. I am very ashamed of how I treated you Persephone. I beg your forgiveness,” Jungkook’s hoarse voice pleaded. He knelt down in front of you and kissed your feet. 
How sweet. 
“I will think about it. I still have to meet your ruler. Where would he be located?”
“In the throne room. He’s usually always there. I-I will escort you there.”
“There are too many dead people waiting to be taken across. I will guide myself. A throne room should not be hard to find. Consider yourself dismissed.”
You took the blue man’s hand and marched towards the entrance to the Underworld. It was strikingly brighter than the rest of the domain. The symbol of Namjoon, a large cornucopia that spilled its bountiful contents while a scepter was embedded into it, was the golden highlight of the door.  It was most definitely the only welcoming sight you had seen thus far. 
You could hear growling on the other side. 
Your mother had told you many stories of the land of the dead. They had been as dull as a well-used sword. The sheer boredom from listening to your mother tell the tales had put you to sleep as a child. Hearing the growls of the multiheaded dog named Cerberus, who guarded the entrance into the Underworld, made you wish you paid more attention to them. You had no idea how to pass the guard. Killing it was surely not an option. You had no plans to upset the God of the Underworld with any of your reckless behavior.
Unless it was in self-defense. 
Cerberus’s growling became louder as you neared the golden door. The energy from the door was making the Blue Man shake with nervousness. You were shaking as well, but it was mostly from the cold air that wrapped around your naked body. Hopefully, someone in the castle would offer you something to wear. That or you’d simply just steal the clothes off of the nearest servant.  
“How do you even open this door? It’s huge!” You exclaimed as the both of you stared at the door. 
The Blue Man shrugged and gestured a pushing motion.  He hadn’t spoken since the two of you dropped down into the Underworld. Perhaps he was afraid of you after the stunt with the ferryman. Good. 
“You want me to push the door? By myself?” The Blue Man shook his head quickly.  “That’s what I thought. We’ll push together on the count of three and once it opens, even a little, I want you to peek over and see if the guard is near. I do not have the time for running for my life in the Underworld.”
The Blue Man nodded again and placed his hands on the door, putting himself into a lunging position, prepared to push on the door with all of his ghostly might. You mirrored his stance. 
“On three, one, two, three, push!”
Both of you pushed and immediately fell faces first into the threshold of the entrance. The door might have seemed heavy, but it was the entrance to the underworld. It was as light as a door to a home.  
Groaning, you sat up on your knees and took a peek at your surroundings. Cerberus was nowhere to be seen but his growling could still be heard in the distance. 
The door had spilled you and the blue man onto a pathway that forked into two paths. The ferryman had mentioned Hecate, and if you remembered correctly, the goddess ruled over crossroads among other things.  The fork was obviously a crossroad but where was the goddess?
“Dear Persephone.  There are many crossroads here in the Underworld. This is the one your little friend is supposed to see,” the goddess’s voice echoed as she appeared behind you. 
You startled and swiftly spun around to face her. Hecate had a knowledgeable smile on her face. 
“He knows what he must do. I have set up a nice set of decisions for him. He can choose to live and be reborn in Elysium. He has done many good things in his life. Or the other option is to live as a servant to Namjoon. Perfect right?”
“I do believe that is as fair as it comes. You are very generous.”
You turned towards the man who was turning a lot less blue. You could just make out his facial features. He was handsome for someone who lived poorly. His hair was nicely combed into a fashion that men wore these days-a side part that showcased his broad forehead.   His jaw was set in thought as he pondered his decision. This was his fate. 
He took a hesitant step towards the path as if he were weighing the benefits and outcomes of each path. You could only imagine what he could be thinking about. 
He could be reborn, but what if his new life was even harder than the last. He wouldn’t remember his old family, his children, his wife. He would have to create new memories, good or bad,  if the new life let him. 
On the other hand, who knew what the ruler of the Underworld would have him do. He could live out his eternity behind in the castle walls, bowing to every command. He had possibly about the kindness  Namjoon showed his servants and the freedom they were allowed. He only requested they complete their duties.
 Could he live with that? Could he live with knowing that he would be allowed to remember his old family, and possibly see them in the future when they grew old or died an early death such as he did?
The man took several more steps before he was bounding towards the path that led to the right. And then he was gone. 
“What a wonderful choice he made,” Hecate sighed dreamily at your side. She was holding a torch that had manifested in her hand as the blue man’s light disappeared.
“What choice did he make?”
“I cannot tell you, Persephone. But I do think you’ll find out soon. The throne room is just beyond that same path. I’m sure Namjoon is waiting for you. Goodbye.”
After answering and not answering your question, Hecate disappeared leaving only a white mist in her wake. Fortunately, she did leave the torch that floated in her place. Grabbing it, you straighten your shoulders and step into the same path the man had taken only moments ago. 
The man had simply vanished but the path before you seemed to stretch on for the gods know how long. 
“Of course, it would be hard for me. It isn’t my crossroad to walk on,” you muttered to yourself and continued on. 
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You were beginning to regret not turning around (a first for you) before you heard the murmuring of voices. You started running in the direction of the voices.
Please, please, please, let there be a fire or something. My body is on the verge of hypothermia.  
The murmurs were becoming louder and you could make out a faint glow. 
Finally. Finally. 
You burst out into a crowded room. The murmurs had been coming from the servants who were surrounding something in the middle of the room.  They were all dressed in a mix of black, white, and grey clothing. There was a fire near where you had come from, so you snuck over to get a little warmth and to eavesdrop.
“Oh wow. Someone new!”
“He could take over my extra duties.”
“No mine!”
“Why did someone so handsome choose to become a servant?”
“Everyone, shush! Our King is coming.”
The crowd quieted down as loud but calculated footsteps resounded through the room. Everyone was holding their breath, including you. You had never met Namjoon in person as he preferred to stay in his domain.  
Nothing prepared you for the man in front of you. Your mother had always made it sound as if he were the most average man alive. 
He was nothing like that. Namjoon was exceptionally darker than the proposed pale that your mother had told. He held himself with an aura of royalty.
Namjoon made his way up to his throne where he stood tall and proud in front of his audience. 
“We have a newcomer today,” his deep tenor resonated through the room, “Please come up and introduce yourself to me before I sit.”
The man who you had journeyed with kneeled before Namjoon. He was dressed in the servant’s clothing and his brown hair was pulled back into a bun. 
“My name is Kim Seokjin. And it was an honor to serve you today, by leading the woman who you have been desiring to you.”
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keysatthecrossroad · 3 months ago
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Epithets of Hekáte
Amaimákrætos Vasíleia - Indomitable Queen
Amaimákrætos Vasíleia,
Rule over this world of uncertainty,
Queen of the Light and Dark,
Bring resolution to Your devotees,
Goddess of the Triple Moon,
Reveal truth among the shadows,
Hekáte, of the Crossroads, layout our pathway,
Show us the way.
Ave Hekáte, Goddess of All!
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ss3890 · 2 years ago
Goddess of the Crossroads
20-Day Deity Challenge courtesy of @broomsick : LINK
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“Hecate was associated with borders, city walls, doorways, crossroads and, by extension, with realms outside or beyond the world of the living. She appears to have been particularly associated with being 'between' and hence is frequently characterized as a "liminal" goddess. "Hecate mediated between regimes—Olympian and Titan—but also between mortal and divine spheres."[57] This liminal role is reflected in a number of her cult titles: Apotropaia (that turns away/protects); Enodia (on the way); Propulaia/Propylaia (before the gate); Triodia/Trioditis (who frequents crossroads); Klêidouchos (holding the keys), etc.”
Cult images and altars of Hecate in her triplicate or trimorphic form were placed at three-way crossroads (though they also appeared before private homes and in front of city gates).[10] In what appears to be a 7th-century indication of the survival of cult practices of this general sort, Saint Eligius, in his Sermo warns the sick among his recently converted flock in Flanders against putting "devilish charms at springs or trees or crossroads",[62] and, according to Saint Ouen would urge them "No Christian should make or render any devotion to the deities of the trivium, where three roads meet...". (LINK)
Hecate’s association with the crossroads is perhaps one of the more important aspects of her in regard to my vision of, and experience with, this goddess. 
“Crossroads” in regards to modern worship (and my own) are not so much physical places, but the choices we make: ones we are faced with throughout our lives - whether on a macro or micro scale, at significant turning points or in the small daily choices we face - and each choice leads us down a path. 
Hecate can help illuminate these pathways, but the choice to walk them remains our own. Do you let your misfortune and trauma consume you? Or do you say “fuck you” and keep on going in spite of it? Do we wallow in darkness, or do we choose to follow her light?
“Hecate is an immensely powerful deity and is not one to be taken lightly. She is a genuinely loving goddess but working with her can be difficult. She tests her devotees and throws obstacles in their way. She cares but does not coddle. She will help you, but only if you put in the work. She will not pity you; she will challenge you to rise up. With Hecate, everything happens for a reason. Your life could feel like it’s falling apart, but if you have put in the time and work, everything will come together beautifully at the very end ~ after you have struggled and learned.“ (LINK)
I feel that she has always been there beside me for all the major turning points of my life, and very much in the way described above. Honestly, that’s what I really like about her. The good, the bad, the ugly...she has held up her lantern and bid me to take the paths that move onward and upward - paths that have shaped me into the self-assured woman I am today - because only I was able to stand up and walk them for myself. 
In doing this, I have found an inner strength that no one else could have given me...and being able to save yourself is a powerful thing indeed.
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tallpagan · 4 years ago
can you tell me how you connected with goddess hecate? i love your blog ^-^
Hi! Just as a warning, this is a LONG storytime! Grab a drink, some snacks and enjoy reading about the start of my journey with Goddess Hekate!
!! TW: very brief, non detailed mentions of depression and s*icide !!
My journey with Hekate began years ago, unbeknownst to me. When I turned 15 years old and started dabbling in paganism and witchcraft, I was contacted by what I thought was a spirit guide. It started very small for a few years. Once in awhile I would dream of a cloaked woman, see unfamiliar black dogs in my backyard, find random keys on the ground or in my purse. These signs were very few and far between and lasted into my very early twenties.
During these years of my life I was really trying to find myself and discover my own path. Growing up I was raised in a very strict Lutheran-Catholic household. Questioning anything outside of the realm of the christian god/bible was absolutely forbidden. So when I turned 15 and decided christianity wasn't for me, I began learning about all sorts of spiritual pathways. It was all so new to me at the time; I had absolutely no idea of how to decipher visions, messages or spiritual connections.
So after around six years learning about different kinds of pagan religions and expanding my witchcraft, I began noticing Hekate's calling more and more. I had literally no idea who she was...I hadn't even heard of her name before! But the signs gradually showed themselves over the years. Dreams of a cloaked woman entering or exiting a cave, visions of jingling keys or barking black dogs, seeing torches in the weirdest places (when I was 21, I found a necklace on the ground in my driveway of an old styled torch that I had NEVER seen before. None of my family or friends recognized it either.)
I would always feel this very protective presence over me no matter where I was or what I did. Throughout the years I believed it was a guardian or spirit guide. The signs were there and got very very loud, but I was still unsure of my faith and practice.
It was right after my 22nd birthday that I finally met Hekate. I was in a very dark place in my life. Depressed, struggling and suicidal. I had full embraced my pagan and witchcraft path at that point and dabbled in working with a few Gods and Goddesses here and there. I wasn't devoted to any deities at the time because I'd never felt particularly close to any of them (I love the deities I work with, but the connection was centered around my witchcraft and not my religion).
There was an emptiness in me that I'd never experienced before. I felt like there was something missing in my life, but I couldn't put a finger on it. During this low point I was trapped in, the visions, dreams, signs and fervent spiritual pulling was happening almost every single day. At that point I knew it was more than a spiritual guide. I knew these were the signs of a deity calling to me. Yet because of my severe depression, I resisted for awhile.
Now we get to the part nobody really knows. I hadn't even told my closest friends or family about this until just a few months ago:
Just a few days after my 22nd birthday, I met Hekate directly after an almost attempted suicide. I had gone into the mountains behind my house and climbed to a high ledge. She came to me in her physical form about three or four meters away from where I was standing, arms reaching out as if to pull me away from this dangerous place I was in. All she said to me was this: "Come to me, child."
Just as quickly as I saw her, she faded into the trees. I was so shaken up by this! I'd never witnessed anything like it in my entire life.
The second I got home, I began my research and found very quickly that the woman who saved me was Goddess Hekate. After that I poured into learning every single thing about her that I possibly could. I read books and devotionals, watched countless videos and lectures, scoured the internet for weeks, spoke to several Hekatean followers.
After about two months of getting to know Hekate on a historical, religious and personal level, I devoted myself to her. She had chosen me to be one of her children and I was finally ready to begin my lifelong journey with the Goddess of the Crossroads.
It's been almost two years since my devotion to Hekate. She is the Light of my life, the mother I've always wanted, the protector I longed for since I was a child, the guide I will depend on forever.
I am devoted to Hekate for life. She is my Goddess above all else and the one who I will follow until my journey on this earth ends. And when that happens, Hekate will guide me to the next adventure.
Hope you enjoyed this insight of my journey. It feels very vulnerable to write something so personal like this, and yet I'm so willing to share my story. I hope it touches the hearts of anyone curious to know about Hekate.
Hail Hekate! Hail!
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bitchfitch · 4 years ago
Its often said that places of worship are where a gods influence is the strongest. Where their presence is felt the most fully. That's true, to an extent. It depends on how you define a place of worship.
The temple of knowledge is all winding corridors and numbered rooms. An archive tucked away beneath a sprawling research facility. The dimming bulbs flicker when some of the workers pass beneath them, the graying paint on the walls and the yellowing tile slowly rotting where they stand. Many of the doors creak, a loud groaning echoing between the narrow corridors. All knowledge is stored here, tucked away beneath the world above, not hoarded or hidden, but not public either. Its god doesn't hide, but is still constantly difficult to find. He spends his days reorganizing and recording everything that needs either. Silent and alone and quite happy with the stiffening silence that hangs around him.
If you find him, deep in his warren, he can answer any question you can ask. He will answer any question, but the longer you spend down there the lest likely you are to leave. Its easy to find the way out, but surrounded by all you could ever want to know, why would you ever leave?
The archives of Knowledge's temple is full of wayward discoverers. Lost between the shelves, meer shells of what they once were. 
Fate's domain couldn't be more different from that of her brother's. Loud and cramped, stinking of sweat and blood and spilled booze. The yellow lights and mismatched tables and chairs crowded around a bar and a boxing ring. The roar of a crowd cutting through the old brick walls so clearly that the passerbys on the damp street beyond the doorless walls wonder what could be happening behind the soft glow that fills the windows. A few will be called by the sounds to the door right in the center front of the building that nobody else seems to see.
Fate is almost always there, making her bets and pushing the right people in the right ways to ensure her plans come to fruition. She can give you the do over you've always wanted, she can give you anything. If only you do something for her first, if only you can beat her at a game of cards or dice or at a drinking game. 
Only those who she has already decided to let win will. 
Life falls to two, their temples identical in nature despite being nowhere the same in physicality. 
The elder, a goddess of animals has her temple tucked away deep in a forest. A cabin with rotting floor boards and a roof that sags. The smell of homemade food and rich forest floors mingle with the quiet swaying of the trees above. A rustle in the underbrush and a childs laugh echoing between the trunks. The goddess is near impossible to find unless she wants to be found, but her daughter, a scrappy and mud stained little thing runs wild around their home. 
She is the one you need to convince of your pleas, and if she dreams you worthy she'll take your hand and guide you to her mother. If not, her mother will find you on her own and then you will never be found again.
The goddess of animals' twin, the god of plants is easier to find, but you must know what you are looking for. 
His temple is a looming warehouse, decrepit and looking a moment form being overwhelmed by the thick vines that are climbing up and through it. Inside you will find many people, not one of them working for him. Maybe you are taken to his daughter, maybe you find her on your own. She's older than her cousin, old enough to have a mean reputation and a cruel sense of humor. She's the one you must plead too hear. She may call upon her god to aid you if she deems it worth her time, she may call upon him to end you if she deems it not worth her time. She may chide you and tell you to leave this place. Regardless of what happens, he has heard your plea and will make his own decision on how to act on it.
A clean hospital, well funded and brightly lit, one that boasts about its all time low loss rate, is not what most people would assume to be a temple of the god of death. The long halls, white with tasteful splashes of color and art. The rooms with clean white sheets and cutting edge machines wireing away as they work in the chilled air. The chapel down on the first floor beside the pediatric ward, the wear on its pews from so many people coming to pray and to feel closer to the gods they worship. 
Death doesn't mind it, he works as a nurse here. Quiet and unassuming, passing whispered words and scrawled notes and loose thoughts to the right people, check this, try that, look at those again. Its unlikely, but this might be it. 
The healer called death doesn't do anything the doctors can not, but if you find him and ask his help, he will usually give it with a smile. 
The god of wills doesn't have a tenple like his siblings do. He wanders, looking for the next thing to catch his eye. A god of pathways and crossroads, you'll find him there when you need him and not a moment before. He'll lend you his aid as cars rush by on the road beside and the hot night air stings your eyes. Be careful what you ask of him, there on the side of the road every death looks like a horrible accident.
The goddess of the earth and the storms, the shape and shaping of it all, makes her home in the loft above an art gallery, a studio thats constantly shifting and changing, the medium she works moving along with the mess and the other artists who come and go. Come to her for stability, come to her for revenge. Come to her and hope you never anger the storm. 
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sophi-s · 4 years ago
It's been a while since I last touched my Darksiders/Hollow Knight crossover thingy. It's because I'm mostly out of ideas. I tried to do Avarice but I'm kinda scared where this is gonna go from the point I got to 😂
To fill in a hole, I give you a short backstory for Moth!Azrael (with Abaddon being mentioned there, of course).
Just a head's up, Azrael is sad. Very sad.
Out of all members of the long gone moth tribe, the powerful sorcerer Azrael was the most devoted to their Goddess, the Radiance. He used to teach hatchlings her ways and spread her religion wherever he went, acting kind of as her prophet. As long as the bugs of the land that would eventually become Hallownest remained in Radiance's grasp, primitive and following the basest of instincts, all linked to their hive mind, everything seemed to be just fine. But this serenity was abruptly broken by the arrival of the Pale King.
The Wyrm granted bugs the ability to formulate thoughts and a free will of their own. Not long after this, they started to turn their backs on the Radiance, choosing this new God, pale as moonlight, a stark contrast to the sun they used to revere. Eventually, even the moths abandoned her. All of them. Except for Azrael. Of course, possessing free will meant freedom of choice. And he chose the Radiance.
At first, the Goddess hid away, deep inside her Realm of Dreams, hurt and slowly fading as her followers left and forgot her. Azrael attempted to console her, assuring her that he's, after all, still there for her and that as long as he lives, so will she.
But it wasn't long before hurt turned into bitterness and bitterness into blind rage. Radiance unleashed the Infection upon Hallownest as an act of desperation and aggression against the Pale King. To say Azrael was horrified, would've been an understatement. The Goddess he knew his whole life, one who loved him like her own son, one he loved like his own mother (to some extent, she was his mother), transformed from the soft sunlight he trusted into a twisted monster blinded by spite, driven by vengeance against the Wyrm.
Azrael tried reasoning with the enraged Goddess but to no avail. Heartbroken and scared, he eventually left her side like all others have before him. His kind nature couldn't stand the atrocities committed in the name of petty revenge.
One day, the one who unintentionally angered the Radiance, extended his hand to Azrael and proposed an alliance, offering the depressed moth a way out of the hole he found himself in. Azrael reluctantly accepted and soon had a new purpose.
To some extent, Azrael recovered and even made some friends in the White Palace (Monomon and Quirrel were his fellow scholars and he enjoyed their company) as he attempted to aid the King in battling the Infection. The moth tribe began to die out until very few of them remained and Azrael was one of them.
Though he was utterly devoted to stopping the plague of the Old Light, his faith in the Pale Monarch faltered once he learned what the Wyrm intends to do to the silent child who one day returned to the Palace with him. And when he discovered what the King had done to create the Pure Vessel, the scholar was left heartbroken and betrayed once again but… Should he remain alone, he'd surely succumb to grief and fall down. Honestly, he couldn't decide which of the two was worse. A once loved Goddess driven mad by lust for vengeance after the loss of her children? Or the Pale Wyrm who was willing to sacrifice everything to achieve his goals? After some time with his thoughts, Azrael settled on the latter. The King at least had good intentions and wished to save Hallownest and his subjects, no matter the cost, while Radiance was forcing innocent bugs under her whim in hopes of reaching and getting rid of the Wyrm once and for all. Trying to seek out the Fallen Brother of the Radiance was out of question as Azrael had no wish to get involved in the affairs of the Nightmare King.
At some point in time, Azrael was approached by his friend, one of the generals of the Pale King, Abaddon. The other bug told the moth he was having dreams of searing light and a soft but spiteful voice calling him, telling him to "remember" and "destroy the Pale Usurper". First symptoms of the Infection.
Because Azrael was a moth, he knew a lot about the Dream Realm and even wielded a Dream Nail of his own. This is exactly the reason Abaddon came to him. No amount of convincing would dissuade the stubborn warrior from taking the steps against the source of the Infection that was the Radiance. Azrael eventually agreed to help, even though he knew his friend stood no chance against the Goddess. If they didn't do anything, he would meet fate worse than death but if he tried, he would surely perish. A lose-lose situation. However… if somehow, by a stroke of luck this mad plan succeeded.. It was worth a shot. If only to end the suffering and spare the Hollow Child from the torment awaiting them.
In secret from the King, Azrael and Abaddon retreated into the Resting Grounds where the veil between the Dreams and Reality is thin. Using herbs and magic, Azrael managed to project Abaddon's consciousness into the Dream Realm, first lending him all the strength he could spare.
His fears were unfortunately confirmed as not even two hours since falling asleep Abaddon suddenly started to convulse violently, shaking and letting out strained screams of pain. Radiance was undoubtedly winning. It was over in barely a minute. The unyielding warrior passed away on Azrael's hands before the moth had a chance to pull him back into the waking world.
Ashamed, devastated and terrified, Azrael laid his friend to rest in a grave beside his beloved who succumbed to the Infection long ago and returned to the White Palace. The King would've heard about it sooner or later. As expected, the Monarch was not pleased by the news. However, with how useful Azrael was, all Wyrm did to punish the moth for disobedience and indirectly causing the death of one of the most skilled warriors of Hallownest was forbid him from ever setting foot in the Palace again until he revokes this decision.
After this fiasco, the Infection seemed to be spreading even faster, decimating entire villages in merely a couple months. There was no way of stopping it. The only one who could make a difference was the teenage Pure Vessel. But they still needed time to grow up and finish their training.
Azrael spent about four days in exile before something strange happened. While he was at the Blue Lake to enjoy some peace and quiet, a sound of footsteps ripped him out of his silent musings. When he turned around, his heart skipped. He could've sworn he saw his deceased friend dart across the pathway to the Crossroads. Confused and apprehensive, Azrael decided to investigate. And that was a mistake.
Once the moth caught up with his friend who limped through the caverns, he realised what a fool he'd been as a single, orange eye glared at him beside a ruined, empty eye socket. Infected. But Abaddon - or rather his infested corpse - didn't charge at Azrael. With a disturbing, garbled voice, he told the moth that the Radiance wants to speak with him face-to-face. It didn't seem he had much choice. Using his Dream Nail, Azrael travelled to the Realm of his mistress. Soon, he found himself before his once beloved Goddess who pleaded for him to help her crush the Pale King. Return her children he'd taken from her. Azrael again tried to reason with her but still in vain. If anything, the Radiance decided sadly the King managed to corrupt even his once pure thoughts to turn him against her. But she neither killed nor Infected Azrael. She still loved him after all.
One of the last members of the moth tribe vanished without a trace, leaving the Pale Court in confusion. His spirit, trapped by his "mother" in the Dream Realm - as she hoped she will be able to eventually convince him to return to her side, to be her son again without forcing the Infection into his mind - remains shackled to the Dream without a chance for rescue. Azrael patiently awaits the end of the Infection, hoping that either Radiance will eventually let go, or the Pale King actually succeeds in defeating her for good. Until then, his body protected by a Seal of Binding - created by the Radiance herself - slumbers hidden away from the world under the supervision of the former Champion of the Wyrm, nobody (except for the Infected as they share the mind of the Old Light) knows where, waiting for someone to release him from the hold of the vengeful Goddess.
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forbidden-sorcery · 4 years ago
The gate of the three crossed staves is the mythical witch gate through which all power upon this Draconian Path flows. It is the crossroads of legend, of which Hecate, the Goddess of all Witchcraft is the patron. She looks down each pathway simultaneously, watching all those who would follow Her to this spiritual junction. The three crossed staves indicate a meeting point of the triple powers, the energy of three wads, the three paths or pillars of the Tree of Knowledge which merge as they meet at the sphere of Lilith, and again at the throne of Lucifer in Thaumiel as they are traversed upon the crooked path of the nightside travellers who weave their way through the shadows in the darkness towards the Queen of Hell, the crossing points of each pathway illuminated by Her torches as She leads us through the initiations of our ancient craft. The crossed roads are indicative of the waking, sleeping, dreaming state of higher consciousness through which may be attended the astral sabbat.
Mark Alan Smith - Queen of Hell
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what-even-is-thiss · 5 years ago
Another Deceit Parallel
Doesn’t have anything to do with snakes but the Roman god Janus had two faces looking in opposite directions and was the god of doorways, beginnings, endings, and transitions.
Deceit’s symbol is a snake with two heads looking in opposite directions and its been implied that he has a split personality of sorts. The allusions to the bible and a certain work of literature are obvious but I think a small similarity to Janus is there whether it was intentional or not.
He has shown up in person three times so far. First time, Thomas was choosing between two options. Lie to Joan about missing the play or don’t. Second time was during an argument between only two sides. The third and most recent time, there wasn’t necessarily two options but Deceit turned it into two options. Lie to go to the audition or go to the wedding.
The times before this when he showed up in spirit were in Accepting Anxiety when Roman’s mouth gets covered. This was an end and a beginning. An end of Vigil’s role as one of the others and the beginning of his integration into Thomas’ thoughts in a more healthy way. He’s alluded to at least once in Moving On, two episodes about the end of a relationship and the beginning of coming to terms about the end of that relationship.
He always seems to show up when Thomas is at a metaphorical crossroads.
But you know what other Greco-Roman deity had multiple faces? Hecate. She had three faces. In some depictions she even had three bodies all standing with their backs to each other. Now, Hecate doesn’t have that many surviving stories in classical mythology but something character Thomas might be familiar with is the works of Rick Riordan. Character Thomas isn’t real life Thomas, but he is heavily based off of him and the real life Thomas has expressed an interest in YA literature.
In the Riordanverse Hecate is a mostly neutral goddess who dislikes Janus’ black and white thinking. She offers three pathways to the heroes rather than two, often complicating the conversation.
And how many sides have there always been in action to counter Deceit and complicate his argument when he plays a significant role? Three.
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